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Load image into Gallery viewer, Goalrilla CV72 - 72" In-Ground Pro-Style
Load image into Gallery viewer, Goalrilla CV72 - 72" In-Ground Pro-Style
Load image into Gallery viewer, Goalrilla CV72 - 72" In-Ground Pro-Style
Load image into Gallery viewer, Goalrilla CV72 - 72" In-Ground Pro-Style
Load image into Gallery viewer, Goalrilla CV72 - 72" In-Ground Pro-Style
Load image into Gallery viewer, Goalrilla CV72 - 72" In-Ground Pro-Style
Load image into Gallery viewer, Goalrilla CV72 - 72" In-Ground Pro-Style
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Goalrilla CV72 - 72" In-Ground Pro-Style

Regular price $2,649.95
Sale price $2,649.95 Regular price $3,049.95
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Brand: Goalrilla

SKU: B3101W-1

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Highlights Count: 4

STBLZR TECHNOLOGY [Goalrilla CV72 - 72" In-Ground Pro-Style]

STBLZR TECHNOLOGY [Goalrilla CV72 - 72" In-Ground Pro-Style]

Revolutionary technology that significantly reduces the shake of a basketball goal

FULLY STABILIZED AFTER DUNK OR REBOUND [Goalrilla CV72 - 72" In-Ground Pro-Style]

FULLY STABILIZED AFTER DUNK OR REBOUND [Goalrilla CV72 - 72" In-Ground Pro-Style]

Goal at regulation height is fully stabilized after a dunk or rebound

PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS [Goalrilla CV72 - 72" In-Ground Pro-Style]

PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS [Goalrilla CV72 - 72" In-Ground Pro-Style]

72" x 42" backboard, 1/2" thick, 6" x 8" pole size, and 4' overhang

MAXIMIZED PRACTICE TIME [Goalrilla CV72 - 72" In-Ground Pro-Style]

MAXIMIZED PRACTICE TIME [Goalrilla CV72 - 72" In-Ground Pro-Style]

Eliminates violent shake that can last up to a minute for more efficient practice

Product Resources:

Pro-Style Performance with Ultimate Stability

The Goalrilla CV72 STBLZR In-Ground Basketball Hoop is built for athletes who demand the highest level of play. With advanced stability technology and a regulation-size backboard, it delivers a professional experience right in your backyard.

STBLZR Technology for Instant Stability

Designed to minimize shake and movement, STBLZR Technology ensures a steady hoop even after the most aggressive shots and dunks, providing a seamless playing experience.

Durable, Weather-Resistant Construction

Featuring a 72-inch tempered glass backboard, a pro-style breakaway rim, and a powder-coated steel frame, the CV72 is engineered to handle intense gameplay and withstand the elements for years of performance.

Product Specifications

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Easily adjustable from 7.5 to 10 feet using an all-steel actuator, accommodating players of various ages and skill levels.

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Eliminates obstructed views through the backboard, providing an unobstructed, clear view and consistent rebound across the glass.

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Offers the strength of concrete installation with the option to unbolt and move the goal if needed.

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  • Comes with a pro-style breakaway rim, backboard pad, and universal pole pad with flared anchor cover for enhanced player safety.

Direct Connect

Toughest Hoop on the Planet

Powder-Coated Steel

Pole Protection

How Basketball Overhang Determines Your Installation Location

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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Choose the Best Location for Installing a Goalrilla In-Ground Hoop? [Goalrilla DC72E1 - 72" In-Ground Direct Connect Technology]

When installing a Goalrilla in-ground basketball hoop, selecting the right location is crucial for performance and safety.

  • Measure the overhang – This is the distance from the pole to the backboard. Goalrilla hoops typically have an overhang of 2.5 to 4 feet, depending on the model.
  • Ensure enough playing space – For a regulation feel, place the hoop so that the backboard aligns with the edge of the playing surface while allowing enough space under the basket.
  • Avoid obstructions – Ensure there are no trees, fences, or power lines in the way.
  • Check for underground utilities – Before digging, always call 811 to verify that there are no buried lines in the area.
How Deep Should the Goalrilla In-Ground Hoop Anchor Be? [Goalrilla DC72E1 - 72" In-Ground Direct Connect Technology]

To ensure stability, Goalrilla in-ground basketball hoops require a concrete anchor system that is at least 48 inches deep.

  • Use a 16" x 48" hole filled with concrete for the best durability.
  • Allow the concrete to cure for 72 hours before attaching the pole.
  • Goalrilla uses a rebar steel anchor system, making it possible to unbolt and relocate the hoop if needed.

Proper installation ensures maximum stability for long-term dunking and intense gameplay.

What Is Overhang, and Why Does It Matter for Installation? [Goalrilla DC72E1 - 72" In-Ground Direct Connect Technology]

Overhang is the distance between the pole and the backboard, and it plays a key role in where you install your Goalrilla hoop.

  • Smaller overhang (2.5 ft) – Great for smaller driveways or tight spaces.
  • Larger overhang (4 ft) – Provides more under-the-hoop playing area, similar to professional courts.

💡 Tip: Make sure the backboard aligns with the edge of your playing area so the overhang doesn’t extend too far into the driveway or court.

Can You Install a Goalrilla Hoop on a Driveway? [Goalrilla DC72E1 - 72" In-Ground Direct Connect Technology]

Yes! Goalrilla in-ground hoops are ideal for driveway installations, but you need to consider:

Playing space – Ensure enough clearance for free throws and three-pointers.
Concrete depth – Follow the required 48-inch concrete anchor depth for stability.
Surface alignment – Position the backboard edge with the playing surface for a professional feel.

If space is limited, opt for a Goalrilla hoop with a shorter overhang to maximize driveway use while keeping gameplay realistic.