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Load image into Gallery viewer, Goalrilla GS60C - 60" In-Ground Performance
Load image into Gallery viewer, Goalrilla GS60C - 60" In-Ground Performance
Load image into Gallery viewer, Goalrilla GS60C - 60" In-Ground Performance
Load image into Gallery viewer, Goalrilla GS60C - 60" In-Ground Performance
Load image into Gallery viewer, Goalrilla GS60C - 60" In-Ground Performance
Load image into Gallery viewer, Goalrilla GS60C - 60" In-Ground Performance
Load image into Gallery viewer, Goalrilla GS60C - 60" In-Ground Performance
Load image into Gallery viewer, Goalrilla GS60C - 60" In-Ground Performance

Goalrilla GS60C - 60" In-Ground Performance

Regular price $1,749.95
Sale price $1,749.95 Regular price $1,949.95
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Brand: Goalrilla

SKU: B5002W-1

This is a pre order item. We will ship it when it comes in stock.

Highlights Count: 4

HEIGHT-ADJUSTABILITY [Goalrilla GS60C - 60" In-Ground Performance]

HEIGHT-ADJUSTABILITY [Goalrilla GS60C - 60" In-Ground Performance]

Adjustable height in-ground basketball hoop offering a limited lifetime warranty

PROVEN DESIGN [Goalrilla GS60C - 60" In-Ground Performance]

PROVEN DESIGN [Goalrilla GS60C - 60" In-Ground Performance]

Features a proven design using welded, ultra-wide span arms, and a welded steel board frame

PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS [Goalrilla GS60C - 60" In-Ground Performance]

PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS [Goalrilla GS60C - 60" In-Ground Performance]

60" x 36" backboard with 3/8" thick tempered glass withone-piece 5.5" x 5.5" pole design and 2.5' overhang

TEMPERED GLASS BACKBOARD [Goalrilla GS60C - 60" In-Ground Performance]

TEMPERED GLASS BACKBOARD [Goalrilla GS60C - 60" In-Ground Performance]

Pro-style look and performance with the tempered glass backboard

Product Resources:

Durability Meets Pro-Level Performance

The Goalrilla GS60C In-Ground Basketball Hoop is built for serious athletes and competitive play. With a 60-inch tempered glass backboard and heavy-duty construction, this system delivers superior rebound performance and long-lasting durability.

60-Inch Backboard for Authentic Play

Designed for realistic gameplay, the tempered glass backboard provides excellent ball response, allowing for precise shots, smooth rebounds, and a true professional experience.

Built to Withstand Intense Action

Featuring a powder-coated steel frame, a pro-style breakaway rim, and all-weather durability, the GS60C is engineered to handle aggressive play and the toughest outdoor conditions for years of performance.

Product Specifications

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  • Features a 60” x 36” professional-grade tempered glass backboard for superior rebound performance.
  • Steel-framed backboard enhances durability and provides a gymnasium-style playing experience.
  • Designed for competitive play, offering excellent ball response and durability.

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  • Pro-style flex rim absorbs impact from dunks and aggressive play.
  • Designed to withstand high-intensity gameplay while protecting the backboard.
  • Ideal for both casual and competitive basketball players.

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  • Equipped with a smooth crank actuator system for easy height adjustments.
  • Adjustable from 7.5 feet to regulation 10 feet, making it perfect for players of all ages and skill levels.
  • Ensures effortless customization to fit different playing needs.

<svg id="fi_8716829" enable-background="new 0 0 511.26 511.26" height="512" viewBox="0 0 511.26 511.26" width="512" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><g><path d="m88.386 473.896c34.399 0 62.385-27.831 62.385-62.039s-27.986-62.04-62.385-62.04-62.386 27.831-62.386 62.04 27.986 62.039 62.386 62.039zm0-109.079c26.128 0 47.385 21.102 47.385 47.04s-21.257 47.039-47.385 47.039-47.386-21.102-47.386-47.039 21.257-47.04 47.386-47.04z"></path><path d="m423.614 151.042c-3.271 0-6.512.179-9.719.527 11.151-15.061 17.219-33.246 17.219-52.165 0-17.171-4.967-33.812-14.362-48.125-2.273-3.463-6.924-4.427-10.386-2.154s-4.427 6.923-2.153 10.385c7.786 11.86 11.901 25.655 11.901 39.893 0 18.433-6.93 36.039-19.513 49.576-46.078 47.29-93.69 93.163-140.511 139.717 1.024-5.352 1.567-10.873 1.567-16.518 0-48.545-39.65-88.04-88.386-88.04-5.749 0-11.369.556-16.815 1.605l133.536-132.77c17.072-15.087 32.784-26.61 56.736-26.61 14.712 0 28.903 4.315 41.038 12.478 3.438 2.312 8.098 1.399 10.409-2.037 2.312-3.437 1.4-8.097-2.037-10.409-14.619-9.834-31.705-15.032-49.41-15.032-25.83 0-50.256 11.203-67.094 30.756l-167.47 166.51c-22.426 21.406-32.117 53.845-24.852 84.056-20.06 19.958-41.354 39.167-60.402 60.093-14.476 16.221-22.91 37.264-22.91 59.079 0 17.797 5.315 34.952 15.37 49.609 2.342 3.415 7.011 4.285 10.427 1.942s4.285-7.012 1.942-10.427c-8.334-12.149-12.739-26.369-12.739-41.124 0-18.714 7.115-35.8 18.785-48.737l5.649-5.62c12.997-11.606 30.157-18.682 48.952-18.682 40.465 0 73.385 32.766 73.385 73.04s-32.92 73.039-73.385 73.039c-14.979 0-29.395-4.475-41.689-12.941-3.413-2.35-8.083-1.488-10.431 1.924-2.349 3.412-1.488 8.082 1.924 10.431 14.809 10.197 32.166 15.586 50.196 15.586 26.716 0 50.7-11.869 66.921-30.591 5.608-5.432 11.082-11.011 16.618-16.516 14.817 27.984 44.323 47.107 78.232 47.107 26.716 0 50.7-11.869 66.921-30.591.025-.024.053-.045.078-.07l166.771-165.82c57.606-53.614 17.815-152.374-60.313-152.374zm-307.002 70.341c13.902-13.975 32.873-22.243 52.659-22.243 40.465 0 73.386 32.766 73.386 73.04s-32.921 73.039-73.386 73.039-73.385-32.765-73.385-73.039c0-19.728 7.912-37.641 20.726-50.797zm-44.912 104.015 17.038-16.951c2.572 5.645 5.729 10.971 9.388 15.908-3.2-.351-6.448-.537-9.74-.537-5.704-.001-11.28.547-16.686 1.58zm87.831 34.283c3.2.351 6.448.537 9.74.537s6.541-.186 9.741-.537c-3.83 5.167-7.105 10.765-9.741 16.705-2.636-5.941-5.911-11.538-9.74-16.705zm90.626 125.215c-40.465 0-73.386-32.765-73.386-73.039s32.921-73.04 73.386-73.04c40.464 0 73.385 32.766 73.385 73.04s-32.921 73.039-73.385 73.039zm227.33-196.239c-1.302 1.389-2.701 2.685-4.047 4.031l-136.465 135.688c1.024-5.353 1.567-10.874 1.567-16.519 0-48.545-39.649-88.04-88.385-88.04-2.877 0-5.721.142-8.528.411l153.194-152.32c70.45-30.01 135.474 59.935 82.664 116.749z"></path><path d="m250.157 349.817c-34.399 0-62.386 27.831-62.386 62.04s27.986 62.039 62.386 62.039c34.399 0 62.385-27.831 62.385-62.039s-27.986-62.04-62.385-62.04zm0 109.079c-26.128 0-47.386-21.102-47.386-47.039s21.257-47.04 47.386-47.04 47.385 21.102 47.385 47.04-21.257 47.039-47.385 47.039z"></path><path d="m169.271 334.218c34.399 0 62.386-27.831 62.386-62.039s-27.986-62.04-62.386-62.04-62.385 27.831-62.385 62.04 27.986 62.039 62.385 62.039zm0-109.079c26.128 0 47.386 21.102 47.386 47.04s-21.257 47.039-47.386 47.039-47.385-21.102-47.385-47.039 21.257-47.04 47.385-47.04z"></path></g></svg> Durable 5" x 5" Steel Pole with Anchor System [Goalrilla GS60C - 60" In-Ground Performance]

  • One-piece steel pole ensures maximum stability and strength.
  • Powder-coated to resist rust, corrosion, and harsh weather conditions.
  • Features an anchor-mount system, allowing for secure installation and the option to relocate if necessary.

<svg height="512pt" viewBox="-38 0 512 512" width="512pt" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="fi_1962520"><path d="m218 512c-.632812 0-1.265625-.058594-1.890625-.179688-60.667969-11.667968-115.75-44.324218-155.097656-91.957031-39.34375-47.632812-61.011719-107.890625-61.011719-169.671875v-175.019531c0-4.371094 2.839844-8.238281 7.011719-9.542969l207.683593-65.066406c1.050782-.367188 2.203126-.5390625 3.304688-.5625h.011719c1.132812 0 2.246093.195312 3.296875.5625l207.679687 65.066406c4.171875 1.308594 7.011719 5.171875 7.011719 9.542969v175.019531c0 61.78125-21.667969 122.039063-61.015625 169.671875-39.34375 47.632813-94.425781 80.289063-155.09375 91.957031-.625.121094-1.257813.179688-1.890625.179688zm-198-429.484375v167.675781c0 117.304688 83.152344 218.609375 198 241.617188 114.847656-23.007813 197.996094-124.3125 197.996094-241.617188v-167.675781l-197.996094-62.03125zm0 0"></path><path d="m218 454.675781c-.8125 0-1.625-.097656-2.414062-.292969-45.148438-11.234374-85.886719-37.671874-114.71875-74.441406-28.933594-36.90625-44.867188-82.984375-44.867188-129.75v-133.882812c0-4.371094 2.839844-8.234375 7.007812-9.539063l152-47.621093c1.945313-.609376 4.035157-.609376 5.980469 0l152 47.621093c4.167969 1.304688 7.007813 5.167969 7.007813 9.539063v133.882812c0 34.183594-8.46875 68.210938-24.488282 98.402344-2.589843 4.878906-8.640624 6.730469-13.519531 4.144531-4.878906-2.589843-6.734375-8.640625-4.148437-13.519531 14.496094-27.3125 22.15625-58.097656 22.15625-89.027344v-126.535156l-142-44.488281-141.996094 44.488281v126.535156c0 86.808594 58.265625 162.183594 141.996094 184.164063 23.261718-6.105469 44.875-16.4375 64.28125-30.730469 4.445312-3.273438 10.707031-2.324219 13.980468 2.121094 3.277344 4.445312 2.328126 10.707031-2.121093 13.980468-22.191407 16.347657-46.996094 28.003907-73.726563 34.65625-.789062.195313-1.601562.292969-2.410156.292969zm0 0"></path><path d="m199.835938 331.257812c-2.5625 0-5.117188-.976562-7.070313-2.929687l-66.964844-66.964844c-3.90625-3.902343-3.90625-10.234375 0-14.140625l33.941407-33.941406c1.875-1.875 4.417968-2.929688 7.070312-2.929688s5.195312 1.054688 7.070312 2.929688l25.953126 25.953125 62.277343-62.28125c3.90625-3.902344 10.238281-3.90625 14.144531 0l33.941407 33.941406c1.875 1.875 2.929687 4.417969 2.929687 7.070313s-1.054687 5.195312-2.929687 7.070312l-103.292969 103.292969c-1.953125 1.953125-4.511719 2.929687-7.070312 2.929687zm-52.824219-76.964843 52.824219 52.820312 89.148437-89.148437-19.800781-19.796875-62.277344 62.28125c-1.875 1.875-4.417969 2.925781-7.070312 2.925781-2.652344 0-5.195313-1.050781-7.070313-2.925781l-25.953125-25.953125zm0 0"></path><path d="m321.21875 391.101562c-2.628906 0-5.210938-1.0625-7.070312-2.929687-1.859376-1.859375-2.929688-4.441406-2.929688-7.070313 0-2.628906 1.070312-5.210937 2.929688-7.070312 1.859374-1.859375 4.441406-2.929688 7.070312-2.929688s5.210938 1.070313 7.070312 2.929688c1.859376 1.859375 2.929688 4.441406 2.929688 7.070312 0 2.628907-1.070312 5.210938-2.929688 7.070313-1.859374 1.867187-4.441406 2.929687-7.070312 2.929687zm0 0"></path></svg> Premium Safety Padding for Protection [Goalrilla GS60C - 60" In-Ground Performance]

  • Comes with a thick pole pad to enhance player safety during intense gameplay.
  • Backboard padding included to reduce the risk of impact injuries.

<svg height="512" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="512" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="fi_2480626"><g id="OUTLINE"><path d="m47.999 188.686h16.001v22.627h-16.001z" transform="matrix(.707 -.707 .707 .707 -125.019 98.177)"></path><path d="m16 248h24v16h-24z"></path><path d="m104 328h16v24h-16z"></path><path d="m44.686 303.999h22.627v16.001h-22.627z" transform="matrix(.707 -.707 .707 .707 -204.215 130.981)"></path><path d="m320 344a64 64 0 0 0 -128 0 48 48 0 0 0 0 96h128a48 48 0 0 0 0-96zm0 80h-128a32 32 0 1 1 32-32h16a48.07754 48.07754 0 0 0 -31.91309-45.21826c-.05297-.92627-.08691-1.85449-.08691-2.78174a48 48 0 1 1 81.59277 34.28613l11.19723 11.42774a63.54982 63.54982 0 0 0 17.18555-29.64307c.67362-.04199 1.34845-.0708 2.02445-.0708a32 32 0 0 1 0 64z"></path><path d="m271.716 467.999h56.569v16.001h-56.569z" transform="matrix(.707 -.707 .707 .707 -248.715 351.549)"></path><path d="m215.716 467.999h56.569v16.001h-56.569z" transform="matrix(.707 -.707 .707 .707 -265.117 311.951)"></path><path d="m159.716 467.999h56.569v16.001h-56.569z" transform="matrix(.707 -.707 .707 .707 -281.519 272.353)"></path><path d="m147.022 147.973 11.186 11.441 32.13-31.414h51.358l-26.279 42.774-44.09 10.754 3.791 15.545 28.398-6.927-12.003 19.538 13.633 8.375 12.285-19.998 7.124 27.917 15.504-3.956-10.96-42.953 26.901-43.786 26.901 43.786-10.96 42.953 15.504 3.956 7.124-27.917 12.285 19.998 13.633-8.375-12.003-19.538 28.398 6.927 3.791-15.545-44.09-10.754-26.279-42.774h51.358l32.13 31.414 11.186-11.441-20.429-19.973h23.451v-16h-23.451l20.429-19.973-11.186-11.441-32.13 31.414h-51.358l26.279-42.774 44.09-10.754-3.791-15.545-28.398 6.927 12.003-19.538-13.633-8.375-12.285 19.998-7.124-27.917-15.504 3.956 10.96 42.953-26.901 43.786-26.901-43.786 10.96-42.953-15.504-3.956-7.124 27.917-12.285-19.998-13.633 8.375 12.003 19.538-28.398-6.927-3.791 15.545 44.09 10.754 26.279 42.774h-51.358l-32.13-31.414-11.186 11.441 20.429 19.973h-23.451v16h23.451z"></path><path d="m464 192h-16v16h16a16 16 0 0 1 0 32h-144v16h144a32 32 0 0 0 0-64z"></path><path d="m432 272h-88v16h88a16 16 0 0 1 0 32h-24v16h24a32 32 0 0 0 0-64z"></path><path d="m280 240h24v16h-24z"></path><path d="m168 256a56 56 0 1 0 -56 56 56.0629 56.0629 0 0 0 56-56zm-96 0a40 40 0 1 1 40 40 40.04584 40.04584 0 0 1 -40-40z"></path><path d="m184 248h24v16h-24z"></path><path d="m104 160h16v24h-16z"></path><path d="m159.999 300.686h16.001v22.627h-16.001z" transform="matrix(.707 -.707 .707 .707 -171.411 210.177)"></path></g></svg> Built for All-Weather Outdoor Play [Goalrilla GS60C - 60" In-Ground Performance]

  • Constructed with rust-resistant and UV-protected materials for long-lasting performance.
  • Engineered to withstand outdoor elements, making it ideal for driveways, backyards, or dedicated basketball courts.
  • Perfect for families, aspiring athletes, and basketball enthusiasts looking for professional-grade quality.

Direct Connect

Toughest Hoop on the Planet

Powder-Coated Steel

Pole Protection

How Basketball Overhang Determines Your Installation Location

Customer Service
Customer Service

Customer Service

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Install a Goalrilla Hoop on a Driveway? [Goalrilla DC72E1 - 72" In-Ground Direct Connect Technology]

Yes! Goalrilla in-ground hoops are ideal for driveway installations, but you need to consider:

Playing space – Ensure enough clearance for free throws and three-pointers.
Concrete depth – Follow the required 48-inch concrete anchor depth for stability.
Surface alignment – Position the backboard edge with the playing surface for a professional feel.

If space is limited, opt for a Goalrilla hoop with a shorter overhang to maximize driveway use while keeping gameplay realistic.

What Is Overhang, and Why Does It Matter for Installation? [Goalrilla DC72E1 - 72" In-Ground Direct Connect Technology]

Overhang is the distance between the pole and the backboard, and it plays a key role in where you install your Goalrilla hoop.

  • Smaller overhang (2.5 ft) – Great for smaller driveways or tight spaces.
  • Larger overhang (4 ft) – Provides more under-the-hoop playing area, similar to professional courts.

💡 Tip: Make sure the backboard aligns with the edge of your playing area so the overhang doesn’t extend too far into the driveway or court.

How Deep Should the Goalrilla In-Ground Hoop Anchor Be? [Goalrilla DC72E1 - 72" In-Ground Direct Connect Technology]

To ensure stability, Goalrilla in-ground basketball hoops require a concrete anchor system that is at least 48 inches deep.

  • Use a 16" x 48" hole filled with concrete for the best durability.
  • Allow the concrete to cure for 72 hours before attaching the pole.
  • Goalrilla uses a rebar steel anchor system, making it possible to unbolt and relocate the hoop if needed.

Proper installation ensures maximum stability for long-term dunking and intense gameplay.

How Do You Choose the Best Location for Installing a Goalrilla In-Ground Hoop? [Goalrilla DC72E1 - 72" In-Ground Direct Connect Technology]

When installing a Goalrilla in-ground basketball hoop, selecting the right location is crucial for performance and safety.

  • Measure the overhang – This is the distance from the pole to the backboard. Goalrilla hoops typically have an overhang of 2.5 to 4 feet, depending on the model.
  • Ensure enough playing space – For a regulation feel, place the hoop so that the backboard aligns with the edge of the playing surface while allowing enough space under the basket.
  • Avoid obstructions – Ensure there are no trees, fences, or power lines in the way.
  • Check for underground utilities – Before digging, always call 811 to verify that there are no buried lines in the area.