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Load image into Gallery viewer, Goalrilla CV72S - 72" In-Ground STBLZR Technology
Load image into Gallery viewer, Goalrilla CV72S - 72" In-Ground STBLZR Technology
Load image into Gallery viewer, Goalrilla CV72S - 72" In-Ground STBLZR Technology
Load image into Gallery viewer, Goalrilla CV72S - 72" In-Ground STBLZR Technology
Load image into Gallery viewer, Goalrilla CV72S - 72" In-Ground STBLZR Technology
Load image into Gallery viewer, Goalrilla CV72S - 72" In-Ground STBLZR Technology
Load image into Gallery viewer, Goalrilla CV72S - 72" In-Ground STBLZR Technology
Load image into Gallery viewer, Goalrilla CV72S - 72" In-Ground STBLZR Technology
Load image into Gallery viewer, Goalrilla CV72S - 72" In-Ground STBLZR Technology
Load image into Gallery viewer, Goalrilla CV72S - 72" In-Ground STBLZR Technology

Goalrilla CV72S - 72" In-Ground STBLZR Technology

Regular price $2,949.90
Sale price $2,949.90 Regular price $3,399.95
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Brand: Goalrilla

SKU: B3011W-1

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Highlights Count: 4

STBLZR TECHNOLOGY [Goalrilla DC72E1 - 72" In-Ground Direct Connect Technology]

STBLZR TECHNOLOGY [Goalrilla DC72E1 - 72" In-Ground Direct Connect Technology]

Revolutionary technology that significantly reduces the shake of a basketball goal

FULLY STABILIZED AFTER DUNK OR REBOUND [Goalrilla DC72E1 - 72" In-Ground Direct Connect Technology]

FULLY STABILIZED AFTER DUNK OR REBOUND [Goalrilla DC72E1 - 72" In-Ground Direct Connect Technology]

Goal at regulation height is fully stabilized after a dunk or rebound

PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS [Goalrilla DC72E1 - 72" In-Ground Direct Connect Technology]

PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS [Goalrilla DC72E1 - 72" In-Ground Direct Connect Technology]

72" x 42" backboard, 1/2" thick, 6" x 8" pole size, and 4' overhang

MAXIMIZED PRACTICE TIME [Goalrilla DC72E1 - 72" In-Ground Direct Connect Technology]

MAXIMIZED PRACTICE TIME [Goalrilla DC72E1 - 72" In-Ground Direct Connect Technology]

Eliminates violent shake that can last up to a minute for more efficient practice

Product Resources:

Elite Performance Meets Ultimate Stability

The Goalrilla CV72 with STBLZR Technology is designed for serious players who demand professional-grade performance and unmatched stability. Built for competitive play, this in-ground hoop delivers superior rebound action and the most stable experience in its class.

STBLZR Technology for a Rock-Solid Experience

Equipped with innovative STBLZR technology, this hoop minimizes shake and movement, providing instant stability after every shot, dunk, or rebound—just like the pros expect.

Premium Materials for Unmatched Durability

With a regulation-size 72-inch tempered glass backboard, a pro-style breakaway rim, and a rust-resistant steel frame, the CV72 is built to withstand years of intense play in any weather conditions.

Product Specifications

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Reduces post-play shake and stabilizes the hoop instantly, allowing for uninterrupted, professional-level practice.

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Dimensions: 72" x 42"

Material: ½" thick tempered glass

Design: Clear View for unobstructed visibility and consistent rebound performance.

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Size: 6" x 8" one-piece steel pole

Overhang: 4 feet

Features powder coating for rust and UV protection, ensuring long-term durability.

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  • Includes backboard edge padding and pole pad for player protection.
  • Equipped with a heavy-weight flex rim to withstand aggressive play.
  • Anchor kit allows for secure installation and potential relocation.

Direct Connect

Toughest Hoop on the Planet

Powder-Coated Steel

Pole Protection

How Basketball Overhang Determines Your Installation Location

Customer Service
Customer Service

Customer Service

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Install a Goalrilla Hoop on a Driveway? [Goalrilla DC72E1 - 72" In-Ground Direct Connect Technology]

Yes! Goalrilla in-ground hoops are ideal for driveway installations, but you need to consider:

Playing space – Ensure enough clearance for free throws and three-pointers.
Concrete depth – Follow the required 48-inch concrete anchor depth for stability.
Surface alignment – Position the backboard edge with the playing surface for a professional feel.

If space is limited, opt for a Goalrilla hoop with a shorter overhang to maximize driveway use while keeping gameplay realistic.

What Is Overhang, and Why Does It Matter for Installation? [Goalrilla DC72E1 - 72" In-Ground Direct Connect Technology]

Overhang is the distance between the pole and the backboard, and it plays a key role in where you install your Goalrilla hoop.

  • Smaller overhang (2.5 ft) – Great for smaller driveways or tight spaces.
  • Larger overhang (4 ft) – Provides more under-the-hoop playing area, similar to professional courts.

💡 Tip: Make sure the backboard aligns with the edge of your playing area so the overhang doesn’t extend too far into the driveway or court.

How Deep Should the Goalrilla In-Ground Hoop Anchor Be? [Goalrilla DC72E1 - 72" In-Ground Direct Connect Technology]

To ensure stability, Goalrilla in-ground basketball hoops require a concrete anchor system that is at least 48 inches deep.

  • Use a 16" x 48" hole filled with concrete for the best durability.
  • Allow the concrete to cure for 72 hours before attaching the pole.
  • Goalrilla uses a rebar steel anchor system, making it possible to unbolt and relocate the hoop if needed.

Proper installation ensures maximum stability for long-term dunking and intense gameplay.

How Do You Choose the Best Location for Installing a Goalrilla In-Ground Hoop? [Goalrilla DC72E1 - 72" In-Ground Direct Connect Technology]

When installing a Goalrilla in-ground basketball hoop, selecting the right location is crucial for performance and safety.

  • Measure the overhang – This is the distance from the pole to the backboard. Goalrilla hoops typically have an overhang of 2.5 to 4 feet, depending on the model.
  • Ensure enough playing space – For a regulation feel, place the hoop so that the backboard aligns with the edge of the playing surface while allowing enough space under the basket.
  • Avoid obstructions – Ensure there are no trees, fences, or power lines in the way.
  • Check for underground utilities – Before digging, always call 811 to verify that there are no buried lines in the area.